Paul was a very active member of the AAG from the early 1950s to the early 1960s.

Martin Van Buren Home in Kinderhook
Oil on Canvas, Collection of Diane Maguire
Diane writes:
“ I believe I purchased Paul Dennis' painting around 1966 or 1967 when he had a small art store in a basement on Lark Street. I used to stop by often just to talk to him & see what he had on display - he had paintings from everyone. After he left Lark Street he went to live at the Ann Lee home near Albany Airport/Wolf Road area.
“Just a little history: I liked it for it "primitive" appeal. My home in East Nassau was built about 1840-60 so it really fit in. I remember trying to convince Paul Dennis that it needed a different frame, but he insisted on the white ornate one. I was always going to change it but never got around to it. Also, when my brother first saw it, he said: "If you paid more than $5.00 for it, you paid too much." I never told him I paid $100 - and have never regretted it.”